My results? According to the machine, I presented with normal values for 6 of the 14 organs/systems. The remainder showed that I was either Excess or Deficient to some degree. Most curious to me was a 65% deficient (Mid) respiratory system. Now after a year of extensive studying, with little time to exercise, I could have believed a massively deficient cardiovascular system, but respiratory? I realize that Toronto air quality is poor, but this seems extreme for a young, apparently healthy person!

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Even patient care in conventional medicine is suffering from the overuse of scientifically proven diagnostic machines. Take a look at this inspiring TED video on the value of a doctor's touch presented by Dr. Abraham Verghese.
I'll end with this quote that sums up this issue very well. "The childish faith in the magic of technology is one reason the American public has tolerated inhumane doctoring." The Lost Art of Healing: practicing compassion in medicine by Dr. Bernard Lown, MD.