Three years ago my wife flew into Toronto from Calgary (while I was finishing my undergraduate degree) and she picked the apartment we would be living at during the next 4 years of school at CCNM. On arriving a month later, I was so impressed with her choice as she selected a location with the beautiful Don Valley literally off our balcony. The Don Valley has hiking trails, mature maple forests and the Don rivers. It could be the most beautiful place except the high traffic brings in unappreciative guests. My wife and I spent many of our first hikes with a garbage bag in hand just attempting to clean up our little area. However, the Don Valley was still my temporary substitute for the wilderness I enjoy.

Recently though, my wilderness substitute seems to be mirroring my cumulative impressions of the largest city in Canada. Even nature seems to be telling me it is time to move on as the Black Swallow Wort (a predator invasive species) has multiplied beyond control choking out the indigenous plant species and my enjoyment of the valley at the same time. Also, the poison ivy proliferated exceptionally well this year and seems to be telling me that my time in the Don Valley is over.
The city of Toronto has many forms of exceptional entertainment including cultural & educational experiences. While living here, I have tried to take in as many of these things as possible. Too often though, I find people are in a rush. What's worse is it is often an
angry rush! This was highlighted in recent research that demonstrated the traffic conditions in Toronto are negatively contributing to people's health.
If you are beginning to notice the rush, I want to tell you about the Evergreen Brickworks
Slow Food Picnic. This event pairs local producers with Toronto's healthy minded food retailers & restaurants. Chefs cook gourmet food right in front of you to sample in a savory environment of appreciation for good food (Watch for this event next year and be sure to get a ticket). Below is a picture of me representing
Mountain Lake Bison Range with Chef Maxine and Dave & Mario of the
Healthy Butcher. This event reminded me that it doesn't matter where you are, where there are good people and a good cause, there can be moments of solace even in the largest city in Canada.