The pace of third year took me by surprise and Thanksgiving weekend could not have come at a better time. Next Monday, the midterm exams begin and the third year class has been so busy, with assignments and preparation for practicals, that it seems like we only have a week to prepare.
A walk through the forest this weekend calmed my mind (reminded me of the many things we have to be thankful for in this beautiful country) and rejuvenated my motivation to study for the upcoming botanical medicine midterm - known for being one of the hardest courses in third year. I found photography a great way to trick myself into studying!
Salidogo odora (Goldenrod)

This herb grows abundantly in open meadows and fields. The leaf is usually picked in the fall and can be made into a tincture or tea. Common uses are as a renal tonic, diuretic and carminitive.
Maple Forest Trail

Although third year is much busier than I had hoped for, clinic (internship) is only 7 months away. There is light at the end of the trail!