To celebrate the completion of the first 2 years of Naturopathic school and NPLEX 1, some friends and I decided to climb Mount Temple which is the highest peak in the Alberta Rockies (11,000 feet). The day had many memorable moments including seeing a grizzly bear relatively close as we hiked above Larch Valley. Then, in the face of continual discouragement from teams returning, we were the first of only 2 teams to climb to the summit on what ended up being one of the most difficult and amazing adventures I have done in a day so far. Thirty-five to 50 cm of fresh snow took its toll on even the most fit mountaineers. Thanks to my brother and friends who maintained a positive attitude throughout the entire day, we worked as a team and completed our goal. Enjoy the pictures below:
Southwest Face of Mount Temple
with Sentinal Pass on the left

Navigating the Rocks

Open Slopes

Summit in Sight

Looking Down

Looking Up!

We Made it!